Radiology Congress 2023
Radiology Congress 2023
Radiology Congress 2023
From 29.05. to 02.06.2023, the internationally renowned Ä Institute will be presenting for the first time the international WORLD CONGRESS OF RADIOLOGY in Palma de Mallorca. Located directly on the beach of the Mediterranean and in the immediate vicinity of the airport as well as the historic centre of the city, the popular four-star Melía Marina conference hotel will host the premiere of the Radiology Congress.
The innovative radiology congress is divided into four main medical subject areas. New scientific findings in radiology will be presented by renowned experts on the first day: the diverse congress subjects range from the optimisation of diagnostics through Artificial Intelligence to trends in medical radio-nuclides and new international findings in interventional radiology.
During the second day of the congress, the focus will be on the subject of oncology. Innovative therapeutic approaches, insights into advances in radio-nuclide therapies and nanotechnology form some of the mainstays of the exciting series of presentations given by the expert lecturers.
The third day of the congress will focus on radiological simulation and technology. Here, valuable knowledge from the areas of radiology and imaging technologies, digitalisation in the private radiology practices through to exciting best-practice presentations from the field of interventional radiology will be shared in an exciting way.
On the last day, the lectures will focus on diagnostics and therapy. Among other things, the focus of the presentations will be on new digital generations of CT, special diagnostics, medical expert training for the sub-specialty of radiology and a wide range of diagnostic imaging. On the fifth day, which does not officially count as part of the congress, all German-speaking doctors and participants will have the opportunity to refresh their radiation expertise free of charge.
A total of 28 highly qualified speakers with valuable expert knowledge will lecture on over 50 radiological specialist topics. For the first time, the innovative radiology congress is forging a bridge between theory, science and practical medical application. For this reason, the congress is highly suitable for scientists, (hospital) doctors, engineers as well as for daily users such as medical assistants.
Congress participants benefit not only from the valuable and sustainable transfer of knowledge, but also from the interdisciplinary exchange. Both forward-looking and due to the still seemingly dynamic epidemiological situation, the radiology congress will be offered in a modern hybrid format.
Participants will have the opportunity to attend the various lectures and other informative parts of the congress online at half the regular rate and enjoy them in their entirety.
Both the entire WORLD CONGRESS OF RADIOLOGY and the renowned conference hotel Melía Marina will more than comply with the requirements and demands of the infection control regulations in force for this period in order to ensure the best possible conditions for a safe and healthy meeting for all participants. In addition to the congress content and lectures, participants can also enjoy the wonderful location of the venue, an attractive evening social programme and revitalising spa offers.
WORLD CONGRESS OF RADIOLOGY - Together into the future of radiology.
Reproduction free of charge
Press contact:
Telephone: DE + 49 4202 955 1435 * UK/US* + 44 20 8740 1592 * ES +34 971 22 27 60 * FR + 33 1 42 61 82 22 * IT + 39 3791302250
Discounts on request for the following radiology associations:
- Academy of Molecular Imaging
Academy of Radiology Research
American Association for Women Radiologists
American Board of Nuclear Medicine
American Board of Radiology
American College of Medical Physics
American College of Nuclear Physicians
American College of Radiology
American Healthcare Radiology Administrators
American Osteopathic College of Radiology
American Radiological Nurses Association
American Radium Society
American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
Association of Educators in Radiologic Technology of the State of New York
Association of Educators in Radiological Sciences
Association of Program Directors in Radiology
Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology
Association of University Radiologists
Association of Vascular and Interventional Ragiographers
British Institute of Radiology
Canadian Association of Radiologists
European Association of Radiology
European Congress of Radiology
Hong Kong College Of Radiologists
International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Inc.
MR Cooperative
The National Association for Proton Therapy
Radiology Business Managers Association
Radiology Education Foundation
Romanian Medical Physicists Association
Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists